We Are Powering the Future

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(+234) 814-405-1731
(+234) 904-742-2290


I. Exploration Services

Our exploration services are designed to help clients identify and evaluate potential hydrocarbon resources in both conventional and unconventional plays. Using advanced geological and geophysical techniques, we offer:

  • Seismic Interpretation: We utilize state-of-the-art seismic data processing and interpretation tools to generate high-resolution subsurface images, enabling accurate mapping of geological structures and potential reservoirs.
  • Geological Modeling: Our experts integrate geological, geophysical, and petrophysical data to construct 3D reservoir models, providing valuable insights into reservoir architecture, rock properties, and fluid distribution.
  • Prospect Evaluation: We conduct thorough prospect evaluations to assess the exploration potential of identified targets, including risk analysis, resource estimation, and economic viability assessments.
Exploration Services

II. Development Services

We work closely with our clients to optimize reservoir performance and maximize recovery rates. Our services include:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Through advanced reservoir characterization techniques, we characterize reservoir properties such as porosity, permeability, fluid saturations, and geomechanical properties, essential for reservoir simulation and management.
  • Reservoir Simulation: Using industry-leading reservoir simulation software, we build dynamic models to simulate fluid flow behavior and predict reservoir performance under various production scenarios, aiding in reservoir management and field development planning.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Studies: We conduct EOR feasibility studies to evaluate the potential application of various enhanced oil recovery techniques, such as water flooding, gas injection, and chemical flooding, to maximize hydrocarbon recovery from mature reservoirs.

III. Production Optimization Services

We focus on maximizing operational efficiency and minimizing costs through:

  • Production Data Analysis: We analyze production data to identify trends, diagnose production challenges, and optimize production strategies, ensuring maximum recovery while minimizing downtime and operational costs.
  • Integrated Asset Management: Our integrated asset management approach combines geological, geophysical, engineering, and economic data to develop comprehensive field development plans and optimize reservoir performance throughout the asset lifecycle.
  • Reservoir Monitoring and Surveillance: We provide ongoing reservoir monitoring and surveillance services using various techniques such as time-lapse seismic monitoring, production logging, and pressure transient analysis, enabling proactive reservoir management and optimization of production strategies.
Exploration Services
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